Environmental policy

Sustainable and environmentally related thinking and acting are part of the daily work at TEUFEL Prototypen. We operate environmental protection preventively by taking environmental protection aspects into account in the product development process. Environmental policy forms the framework for setting and evaluating environmental goals. We therefore want to achieve holistically integrated environmental protection. This means that environmental protection is an integral part of all activities. TEUFEL Prototypen GmbH undertakes to comply with the applicable laws and regulations as well as other binding obligations and to continuously improve its environmental management system in order to increase environmental performance and protect the environment from harmful effects. Our environmental policy guidelines are:

- We regard environmental protection as a management task
- Our products and manufacturing processes should have as little impact on the environment as possible
- We minimize emissions in waste air and waste water
- We want to promote the responsibility of all employees for the environment
- We work in the field of environmental protection based on mutual trust with the authorities
- Emergency plans are kept up to date with the authorities to minimize accidental emissions
- We convince ourselves of environmentally relevant suppliers and service providers of their expertise and reliability
- In addition to our measures to protect the environment, we see an open information policy towards the public as a confidence-building element

HR policy

As an attractive and responsible employer, TEUFEL Prototypen values ​​long-term company loyalty. Practical promotion of key qualifications, active promotion of equal opportunities for men and women and active health management are a matter of course.

Fiscal policy

Sustainability aspects are always taken into account in the financing and securities investment products as well as in the financing area and in own investments.